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Blood pressure is pumping blood into the arteries by heart. Blood pressure includes systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is 120/80. Blood pressure over 130/80 is high blood pressure and under this range is low blood pressure. The inadequate flow of blood to the organs is low blood pressure. Because of this less flow of blood in the organ some symptoms appear. 

The symptoms that appear are fainting and dizziness. Brain cells cannot get enough oxygen and nutrients because of insufficient flow of blood in the brain. Low blood pressure is dangerous if only symptoms appear. In spite of having low blood pressure 90/50, a person can be healthy. On the other hand, if a person has high blood pressure, still symptoms of low blood pressure can arise when his blood pressure falls to 100/60. This condition is responsible for severe illness such as kidney failure, shock, heart attack, and stroke; reduce blood volume and many heart diseases. Women often have low blood pressure during pregnancy.

 Genuinely low blood pressure is desirable for human unless it is not low enough to cause damage of organs. By controlling weight and exercising, regularly people can have low blood pressure. It reduces the risk of stroke, kidney and heart diseases. The symptoms of low blood pressure are can be found when a person stands from the lying or sitting position. Orthostatic hypotension is the other name of low blood pressure. Orthostatic hypotension causes fainting when a person goes to a standing position from a sitting or lying position. When a person stands, the blood settles in the lower body. It causes lower blood pressure. But if that person has already low blood pressure, dizziness or fainting will occur by his or her standing. Well, low blood pressure may reduce the risk of diseases but if it is low enough then it will also cause the damage of organs. If blood circulation is low in the brain, it will cause dizziness. If blood circulation is low in the heart, then it will cause chest pain. Failure of the kidney may happen due to inadequate blood circulation in the kidney.    
For curing from dehydration increase your intake of minerals and fluids. Dehydration leads to low blood pressure. Eat adequate water to avoid low blood pressure. Maintain your proper leg movement, as a result blood flow.

Some natural remedies such as you can use ginger, turmeric, cinnamon and pepper will increase your blood pressure. Also help with kidney diseases. A glass of lemon juice with salt and sugar also very help full in the low blood pressure. Yoga can refresh your mind, and it will control chronic hypertension by balancing the nervous system and improving blood circulation. Eat sodium rich food and caffeine  which will increase your blood pressure. Some food which have contained as vitamin B complex, protein and vitamin C. Dairy food, lean meats and citrus food is recommended for a low blood pressure.  


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