This is
the year 2014. The year of having the best look. So if you want to look best
you must derive a fit body. You can attain physical fitness through perfect
nutrition, exercise and relaxation. The question of physical fitness or body
fitness, you can get an answer by the following points.
work more than women. So women have to more conscious about their fitness. Walk
daily in the morning for at least one hour. In this case if you are not a
working girl you may walk in the evening again. Thus, women can get the same
fitness as men. Doing household works can help in your fitness. Lifting heavier
weights assure muscle growth for men only because women do not have enough
testosterone, so they do not get muscles. Doing daily household works help you
to burn calories. Thus, you can simply maintain your fitness.
gym can assure your fitness. But for this you have to maintain your diet
strictly. Playing badminton, tennis, football, rugby, hockey helps you to
incinerate fat and keep you fit. For keeping your fitness, you have to maintain
a special diet. Eat more green vegetables than rice. Rice provides your
carbohydrates. So eat a little carbohydrate and take much vitamin C. Keep
breads in the breakfast and avoid rice. During the lunch keep salads with your
everyday meal. Thus, you can avoid carbohydrate by having salads besides the
meal. Eat a little amount in dinner. Having cucumbers daily assure your fitness
by removing fats.
chewing gum, can be a good oral exercise. It will bring fitness in your face.
If you have hobbies of cycling and swimming then you are one step ahead of
keeping a fitness to anyone else. Cycling and swimming are the best way of
burning calories. The simplest way of keeping fit can be simply avoided
chatting or messaging. Just talk to people.
When you are watching TV, do not watch TV sitting on the sofa. But watch
TV standing and moving around.
If you
are enjoying a vacation, then utilize the time by sporting and adventuring. Do
not pass your vacation just by sleeping or watching TV or relaxing. It will
make you fat and sluggish. After awakening in the morning, drink a half glass
of honey mixed water. Glass of water
mixing with one spoon honey in it. Drink it every day in the morning. It will
keep your body fit. If you have normal weight or overweight you can follow the
above tips but if you are underweight than you do not need strict diet or
weight bearing activities.
what is the benefit of body fitness besides looking good? Yes, there are many
positive effects. Physical activities control your weight; lower the risk of
heart diseases, cancers and diabetes. It also improves your capability of daily
activities; when you grow old this fitness will keep you away from many panics
that make older people often tired and increase your chances to survive long.