A heart attack is a very common killer disease of the human. Heart attack happens when the heart cannot get oxygen. Oxygen contained blood flows to the heart muscles. If a section of the heart muscles suddenly becomes blocked, oxygen cannot reach the heart. If it is not unlocked quickly, blood cannot transport oxygen. It results in death of that section of heart muscles.
Significantly men above 45 years and women above 55 years are at risk of heart attack. If the heart attack happens to anyone, that person feels pain in his or her chest firstly. After that he or she feels that the pain is spreading to ear, neck, arms, wrist, shoulder, back and abdomen. The pain is constant. Sometimes the pain is released but it comes again. This pain remains many hours. There are many symptoms of heart attack. The symptoms include chest pain, vomiting, dizziness, restlessness, having clam and cold sweat; nausea, etc. patient who has a heart attack feels like something is squeezing his or her heart. After appearing symptoms, you have to call the doctor immediately. You will not get enough time for it.
The painless heart attack is called a silent heart attack. It happens to women mainly. It is not so common in men. People above 75 years old may have a silent heart attack. They do not feel any pain. Old people who have diabetes are at risk of this attack.
There are many causes of heart attack. They are aging, high blood cholesterol level, angina, diabetes, unhealthy diet, smoking, previous heart attack, physical inactivity, overweight, hypertension, being HIV positive, taking calcium supplements, mental stress and heart surgery.
You have to just lead a decent life. By achieving healthy life, you can remain far away from a heart attack. You have to avoid smoking, lose weight, sleep properly, exercise regularly, control diabetes, avoid alcohol; manage stress, take a healthy diet and smile a lot. These things will minimize your chances of heart attack.
Heart attack is diagnosed by an electrocardiograph (ECG). Electrical activities of the heart can be determined by this electrical device ECG. A small electrical signal of heart beat indicates the normal function of the heart. By monitoring, this signal doctors can detect whether your heart is performing normally or not. ECG makes data by using this signal. Checking this data doctor can know the condition of your heart.
During a heart attack, you need treatment. Treatment includes cardiopulmonary resuscitation, manual chest compression, defibrillator, 300 mg of aspirin and painkillers. After heart attack, you have to take further treatment. Take aspirin and other anti platelets. Aspirin protects from damaging stomach. Take beta blockers. It slows down the heart beat. If a patient’s heart is severely damaged he or she needs further surgery like angioplasty, coronary artery bypass graft and bone marrow stem cells.
After surgery heart muscles, take eight weeks to heal. If you had a mild heart attack, still you need treatment. If you do not take treatment, you may experience heart muscle damage. Visit the other site for more information.
When coupled with a healthy diet and regular exercise, the drugs can make quite a difference in your cholesterol levels, at least enough that your levels can be considered safe. This is very much important to Prevent heart attack. I was searching information regarding heart attack on Google and found your blog simple awesome. Thanks for providing this information. Keep sharing the content!!