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2014. Powered by Blogger.

Iron is an essential mineral in our body. Iron has many important functions in the human body. Iron stores oxygen in muscles. When there is a lack of iron in the body, many parts of the human body are affected.

This is the year 2014. The year of having the best look. So if you want to look best you must derive a fit body. You can attain physical fitness through perfect nutrition, exercise and relaxation. The question of physical fitness or body fitness, you can get an answer by the following points.

Blood pressure is pumping blood into the arteries by heart. Blood pressure includes systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is 120/80. Blood pressure over 130/80 is high blood pressure and under this range is low blood pressure. The inadequate flow of blood to the organs is low blood pressure. Because of this less flow of blood in the organ some symptoms appear. 

A heart attack is a very common killer disease of the human. Heart attack happens when the heart cannot get oxygen. Oxygen contained blood flows to the heart muscles. If a section of the heart muscles suddenly becomes blocked, oxygen cannot reach the heart. If it is not unlocked quickly, blood cannot transport oxygen. It results in death of that section of heart muscles.
                             heart attack

Diabetes is caused by high blood sugar. It is a metabolic disorder. High blood sugar causes insulin resistance. Body parts do not respond to the insulin. It results in insulin deficiency in the body. Finally, it causes diabetes mellitus. There are three types of diabetes mellitus. They are type one diabetes mellitus, type two diabetes mellitus and gestational diabetes. The type1 diabetes mellitus is based on insulin. It is dependent on insulin. Islet cells are damaged in the pancreas. It causes an insulin deficiency. Type2 diabetes mellitus is not dependent on insulin. It depends on obesity. Extreme fat is the main reason of diabetes2 mellitus. 90% cases are about types diabetes mellitus. Other 10% cases are about type1 and gestational diabetes.
diabetes mellitus

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